Friday, October 26, 2007

Long time no blog

Gee, this blogging thing is harder than I expected - such committment. Been off line with family things etc...
Anyhoo, I'm back for another posting.

The whole juggernaut that is peak oil/climate change/drought/overpopulation/peak food/food miles/food prices/fuel prices... just keeps gaining momentum and media coverage. Talk today by the Treasurer of an economic tsunami too.

When will people start to really stand up and demand action and just as importantly take action?

There are some promising signs. The GetUp! group are gaining in popularity and doing a darn good job of connecting the community with politics.

I'm also heartened when I receive an email or talk to a former student and find they have had an 'aha' moment and are making some serious changes in their lives. Just one person really can make a difference - and speaking of just one person...

I picked up the latest UK Permaculture Magazine recently - well latest for Australia, but an edition or two behind the UK - and found another great article by Rob Hopkins on Peak Oil and Transition Towns - really inspiring stuff and I'd urge you if you're in Australia to keep an eye out for it or ask for it at your local newsagent.

There is such a lot we can all do - I hope people start to feel empowered and go looking for solutions.

Tomorrow morning I'm running a free composting/worm farming workshop at the local community gardens - with a big emphasis on peak oil, oil in food, food miles, methane, landfill etc etc and on Sunday morning we have our bi-monthly Relocalisation Group meeting.

It's only been going a few months and already we have a fresh food share/sell/exchange thing going, a bulk food buying ordering system, next on the agenda is a seed saving course and following that a seed saving network across the region and lastly, we're having our first home food production working bee in early November at one of the group member's houses.

All that from just putting a home made flyer up at the local shops and asking people to meet in a park at a certain date and time.

Wednesday night I'm at the local permaculture group meeting talking about peak oil and climate change solutions and what people can do.

It's a lot for me to take on, plus run my own 2.25 acres, plus work part-time (unfortunately this kind of stuff doesn't pay), plus study part-time, plus try to have a bit of a life - but now it's started and I see such enthusiasm in the community for just this type of action, I don't think I could walk away now anyway.

Always lovely to read your kind comments...


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